Everything You Need To Know About Having a Beach Bonfire on 30A

beach bonfires 30A

Having a bonfire on the beach is an essential part of your vacation on the Florida Coast. A beach bonfire is an unforgettable activity. After a long day of swimming and relaxing, it is time to gather around a roaring fire and spend some family time. Combining the incredible beauty of the beach along with all the fun activities of a campfire is an incredible experience. One of my favorite places to do this while on vacation with the family is in Watercolor, FL. There is one company we use every time and they have never let us down. But more on that later.

Here is everything you need to know about having a beach bonfire on 30A.

1. You Need a Permit

Before having a beach bonfire on 30A, you must get a permit. Do not worry, it is easy to get one from any South Walton beach public access for $50.00 cash or check.

If the location is private, you need permission from the owner of the property while applying. The person getting the bonfire must be present all the time during the bonfire since the South Walton Fire District may check for permit compliance during the bonfire.

2. Number of People

Notice that the South Walton Fire District has a certain number of bonfires each night. Obtain your permit as early as you can.

The permit is for 29 people or less. If the gathering will include 30 persons or more, you should obtain a special permit from Walton County first, then obtain the bonfire permit.

3. Requirements & Instructions

• Age: Any participant under 18 must be accompanied by an adult all the time during the bonfire.

• Weather: The weather must be suitable for bonfires.

• Set Up: Using vehicles to set up the bonfire site needs a permit.

• Material: Flammable liquids are not allowed. Igniting the fire should be done with paper and matches.

• Extinguishment: Bring a hose and a bucket to wet down and remove all the ashes and leftovers after the bonfire. Never bury anything in the sand.

• Cleanup & Restore: Before the permit ends, the site must be cleaned and restored completely.

4. Penalties

Violating any of the previous rules may lead to penalties ranging from $200.00 to $500.00 and/or 60 days in jail.

The Rental Shop 30A can help you enjoy the best Bonfire without having to deal with all that. We make sure that you have everything you want to enjoy your bonfire.

Call them for more information: (850) 260-0001.


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